Legend for Jörg Zuther's Website


The following table shows how different kinds of links are displayed on these web pages. A link is accompanied by a language attribute which tells you the language of the linked page. This attribute is omitted in case the language of both pages (linking and linked) is the same.

Sort of Link Presentation Notes
recently unvisited link recently unvisited link blue
recently visited link recently visited link dark blue
external link External Link Icon external link - marked with a small arrow
- is always opened in a new browser window
- if not stated otherwise, linked page is in English
internal link internal link - unmarked
- usually opened in the same browser window
- consequent use of relative URLs

Arrow Meaning
Previous Section go to the last section
Next Section go to the next section
Back to Top go to the top of the page

About This Site
This site is written in XHTML which strictly obeys XML syntax. Hence you can use XML tools or XSL on the source code of each page of this site. Further it makes consequent use of Cascading Style Sheets (CSS). Unfortunately, this has some drawbacks: Older browser versions like Netscape 4xy don't interpret syntactically correct code right and many CSS atrributes aren't interpreted at all. You are still able to read the content of this site with such old browsers, however, the presentation looks chaotic.
Note that not all pages have been converted to the new layout yet (2005-10-15). You'll recognize those pages immediately. In the next few weeks, I plan to gradually give the remaining pages the new layout.

first published: 13.02.2003 Critics, comments, remarks, questions? Mail to © 2003 - 2005 Jörg Zuther
last modified: 15.10.2005