The Graph Theorists' Home Page Guide
by Jörg Zuther
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Links on this page have last been checked: May 30th, 2002
Last update: May 26th, 2006
News |
25.05.2006: Unfortunately, my time is tight. Please don't expect much change or growth on this list. Currently, I have not the resources to put more data onto this page according to my earlier plans (see below).
30.05.2002: Link rot has become a great annoyance. The usefulness of this page is strongly reduced because of this problem. See the page "Cool URIs don't change" of the W3C for a description and many tips to avoid this problem.
07.03.2002: I must apologize to some people who had to wait very long to be put onto this page (some more than one year!!). My time was very tight and I had big problems in updating the page. I have to apologize even more since I didn't answer some mails and have even lost some. I'm ***VERY*** sorry about that! So, if you have tried to contact me but received no answer and still don't find your name here, please try again. I beg your pardon. This time, I promise to do it within one week.
07.03.2002: I plan to use an XML approach to maintain my web pages. This will cost a lot of time but will pay off when it comes to put new data onto the pages or changing the layout. Further, I'm thinking about some improvements of the data: I want to include email (and people who have only email but no homepage) and the Mathematics Subject Classification for the subjects listed in the "Research Interests". The latter should facilitate searching.
What do you find on this page? |
As the title suggests, this is a collection of links to home pages of graph
theorists. Every link is accompanied by some information about the residence
and the research interests of the according graph theorist taken from his/her
home page. Furthermore, notes about or links to interesting or special
information on the corresponding site are given. The research and maintenance
of all this information costs a lot of time, causing a slow growth
of this list.
Why do I maintain this page? |
07.03.2002:Since I started this page several years have passed by and
the web has grown superexponentially. Nowadays, almost every graph theorist has
his own homepage - with exception of some of the "dinosaurs" who still "refuse"
to create a homepage ;-). Therefore, I think that the graph theoretical subdigraph
of the web has a lot of vertices now. Further, the linkage has improved a lot.
However, I'm still of the opinion that it would be good for a faster development
of the field if much more content would be accessible via web.
I have changed my opinion about the difficulty of creating a homepage. If you
are not familiar with programming at all and have even problems in using a
text editor (which should't be the case - how could you type latex documents
without some sort of text editor?), then it may cost you more than some
hours to accomplish even a very simple HTML-document. You may curse the rigidity
of the syntax (programmers may find it sloppy, though). In addition, you'll find
only a few pages in the web that use plain HTML, other than in the early days
of the web. The source code of many pages may not be very useful for you. If
you still want to try, you can work yourself into HTML - for links see below.
Old Text:
It seems to me that the graph theoretical subdigraph of the web has an
unnecessarily small number of vertices and is very sparse. Further, a
lot of vertices contain only few information. It is a pity that the web
is apparently not very popular among many graph theorists.
Running a home page has a lot of advantages:
- It facilitates access to your 'snail mail' or email address for
other people.
- You can tell other people what topics you're interested in. This
catalyses finding contacts.
- You can give information about your lectures, seminars etc.
- You can distribute your preprints, lists of publications etc.
- You can collect links to your favourite web sites to give other
people the opportunity to meet these sites, too.
You have one of the following objections against an own home page?
- Objection: I'm scared of distributing information about
me in the web.
My reply: It's not necessary to put any private information
onto your home page. You can restrict yourself to information
that is accessible for the public anyway, such as the address of
your bureau, your preprints, papers, main research interests, lectures,...
- Objection: I'm clumsy with the computer. / I've not enough time to
create and maintain an own home page.
My reply: It is very easy to create a homepage. If you just want to
put your address and your research interests onto your page, it
should be possible to do it by only one or two hours. Web pages are
written in HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) which is self-explanatory
to a wide extent. You can download and display the source of any page
you're accessing to see how certain effects and features you like can
be achieved by HTML. For instance, in some menu of your WWW browser you
may find an entry like "View Source Code". Clicking this entry will open
a new browser window showing the source code of this page. Furthermore,
the web contains a lot of information about HTML (you can find several
links by visiting
Jörg Zuther's Quality Web Site Seeing).
If you don't know
anything about HTML you may need another two hours to get the basics.
Ask your webmaster where to store your page and how to become linked.
I hope that this page will improve the communication among graph theorists
and encourage many graph theorists to create their own home page
and to start running pages containing sound information about special graph
theoretical topics.
Some of the following collections of home pages runned on other sites just offer
the raw link by the name of the graph theorist. On this page, you
find some more information (as specified above) to give the surfer more orientation.
12.12.1999: I want to add that I'm no longer in graph theory. I quit
university about 2 years ago and have not very much time left to do
scientific studies. Nevertheless, I'll maintain this page in the future
due to the fact that it has attracted some attention and seems to be useful
for some people.
You're a graph theorist and want to see your name here? |
Just mail to
Include the URL of your home page and it'll be accessible by your linked
name soon. You can also suggest some comments you want to be displayed
together with your link.
What can YOU do to improve this page? |
- First of all, if you're a graph theorist or some person with
strong interest in graph theory (you need not to be a mathematician!),
and if you have a homepage but don't find a link to it on this
page, please contact me as described above.
- If you find any incorrect information on this page, please feel free
to contact me and suggest some corrections/just give a hint. For
example, if there's any inaccurate information about yourself on
this page, please tell me immediately. If you find an outdated
link and know a new one, please send the new URL. This would be
very helpful.
- If you know a homepage of a graph theorist and find a "missing
link" on this page, please send me the URL. I've not the time
to do all the necessary research on my own. The more complete
this page is, the more useful it is - for YOU.
Disclaimer |
I don't guarantee the correctness of the information on this page (despite I'll check the links periodically)
and, of course, take no responsibility for the contents of the pages accessible via this list.
See also my general Disclaimer page.
The Pages |
Ghidewon Abay Asmerom
(at the Dept. of Math, Virginia Commonwealth Univ., Richmond, USA)
Research Interests: graph theory and combinatorics
Remarkable Features: collection of links to African language sites
Arnold Adelberg
(at the Dept. of Math and CS, Grinnell College, Iowa, USA)
Research Interests: number theory, algebraic geometry, combinatorics
- Alexander A. Ageev
(at the Sobolev Inst. of Math, Novosibirsk, Russia)
Research Interests: combinatorial optimization and graph theory, esp.
design and analysis of algorithms for discrete optimization problems
Martin Aigner
(at the Inst. for Math II, Freie Universität Berlin,
Research Interests: combinatorics and graph theory
Farid Alizadeh
(at RUTCOR, Rutgers, the State Univ. of New Jersey, Piscataway, USA)
Research Interests: computational biology, combinatorial optimization,
numerical methods in optimization, convex analysis
Noga Alon
(at the School of Math Sciences, Tel Aviv Univ., Israel)
Research Interests: applications of combinatorics and graph theory to
theoretical computer science, combinatorial algorithms and circuit
complexity, combinatorial geometry, combinatorial number theory,
algebraic and probabilistic methods in combinatorics
Brian Alspach
(at the Dept. of Math and Statistics, Simon Fraser Univ., Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada)
Research Interests: graph theory and the mathematics of gambling, esp. poker
Remarkable Features: Poker Digest,
a collection of articles Alspach published in Poker Digest,
and Poker Computations,
a collection of computations concerning Poker.
Thomas Andreae
(at the Dept. of Math, Univ. of Hamburg, Germany)
Research Interests: graph theory and combinatorics
Richard Anstee
(at the Math Dept., Univ. of British Columbia, Canada)
Research Interests: combinatorics, extremal set theory, graph theory,
matching theory
Dan Archdeacon
at the Dept. of Math and Statistics, Univ. of Vermont, Burlington, USA)
Research Interests: combinatorics, computer science, and graph theory, esp.
opological graph theory
Remarkable Features: Problems in Topological Graph Theory,
big, well maintained list
Esther M. Arkin
(at the Dept. of Applied Math and Statistics, Univ. of New York at Stony Brook, USA)
Research Interests: operations research, computational geometry, algorithms
and data structures
Stefan Arnborg
(at the Dept. of Numerical Analysis and CS (NADA), Royal Inst. of Technology (KTH), Stockholm, Sweden)
Research Interests: graph theory, algorithms for Swedish language tools
Sanjeev Arora
(at the CS Dept., Princeton Univ., New Jersey, USA)
Research Interests: computational complexity, randomness in computation,
probabilistically checkable proofs, computing approximate solutions to NP-hard problems
Edward F. Assmus, Jr.
(at the Dept. of Math, Lehigh Univ., Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, USA)
Research Interests: combinatorics (esp. codes, Steiner triple systems,
designs, discrete geometry)
Mike Atkinson
(at the School of Math and Computational Sciences, Univ. of St. Andrews, Scotland, UK)
Research Interests: design and analysis of algorithms, algebra, combinatorics,
and connections between these (esp. descent algebras, container data types, restricted permutations)
Remarkable Features: GAP - Groups, Algorithms and Programming
is a software "system for computational discrete algebra with particular emphasis on, but not restricted
to computational group theory".
David Avis
(at the Dept. of CS, McGill Univ., Montreal, Quebec, Canada)
Research Interests: combinatorics (esp. reverse search algorithms and perfect graphs),
computational geometry
Remarkable Features: lrs home page,
on the software package lrslib"a self-contained ANSI C
implementation of the reverse search algorithm for vertex enumeration/convex hull problems"
Luitpold Babel
(at the Math Center, TU Munich, Germany)
Research Interests: structural and algorithmic graph theory, combinatorial optimization,
efficient algorithms, algebraic combinatorics
Jørgen Bang-Jensen
(at the Dept. of Math & CS, Odense Univ., Denmark)
Research Interests: graph theory, esp. digraphs, tournaments and networks
Curtis Barefoot
(at the Math Dept., New Mexico Tech, Socorro, USA)
Research Interests: combinatorics and graph theory
David Barnette
(has become Emeritus Prof. at the Dept. of Math, Univ. of California, Davis, USA; homepage deleted)
Research Interests: graph theory and combinatorial geometry, esp. convex polytopes and triangulations of manifolds
Reuven Bar-Yehuda
(at the CS Dept., Technion IIT, Haifa, Israel)
Research Interests: combinatorial algorithms, esp. approximation algorithms,
computational geometry and applications, theoretical aspects of communications, and practical aspects of VLSI
Remarkable Features: homepage contains also a lot of information about the local-ratio technique and its applications
Vladimir Batagelj
(at the Dept. of Math, Univ. of Ljubljana, Slovenia)
Research Interests: inductive classes of graphs, semirings and graphs,
graph theory algorithms, social networks analysis, visualization of
graphs, large networks
Remarkable Features:
Robert A. Beezer
(at the Dept. of Math and CS, Univ. of Puget Sound, Tacoma, Washington, USA)
Research Interests: combinatorics and graph theory, esp. regular graphs and
algebraic graph theory
Claude Benzaken
(at the Dept. of Discrete Math, Leibniz Lab, IMAG Inst., Grenoble, France)
Research Interests: graphs and hypergraphs, esp. coloring; general combinatorial invariants; software development, esp. for handling
hypergraphs and Boolean functions
Remarkable Features:
- Cabri-Clutter, a software for the study of Sperner hypergraphs
that are bicritical for the chromatic number; a more general project of the Graph Theory Team at the Leibniz Lab is
- Cabri-graph, a software "to handle graphs (edition, operations, computations)"
David Berman
(at the Math Dept., Univ. of New Orleans, Louisiana, USA)
Research Interests: graph theory
Paul E. Black
(at the U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, Maryland, USA)
Research Interests: algorithms and data structures in general, and formal methods and verification
Remarkable Features: Dictionary of Algorithms and Data Structures,
which contains many notions also used in graph theory (graph theory and algorithms are closely related subjects)
Avrim L. Blum
(at the Dept. of CS, Carnegie Mellon Univ., Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA)
Research Interests: machine learning theory, approximation algorithms, on-line algorithms
Remarkable Features: Graphplan,
a software tool for constructing planning graphs
Hans L. Bodlaender
(at the Dept. of CS, Utrecht Univ., The Netherlands)
Research Interests: graph theory, esp. treewidth and parallel algorithms
Thomas Böhme
(at the Dept. of Math, Faculty of Math and Natural Sciences, TU Ilmenau, Germany)
Research Interests: graph theory and computer science, esp. topological graph theory,
cycles in graphs, minors, petri nets, load balance
James "Jay" Boland
(at the Dept. of Math, East Tennessee State Univ., Johnson City, USA)
Research Interests: graph theory, esp. connectivity
Bela Bollobas
(at the Dept. of Math Sciences, The Univ. of Memphis, Tennessee, USA)
Research Interests: combinatorics, functional analysis
Anthony Bonato
(at the Dept. of Math, Wilfrid Laurier Univ., Canada)
Research Interests: graph theory and combinatorics, esp. graph homomorphisms and adjacency properties of graphs
C. Paul Bonnington
(at the Division of Science and Technology, Univ. of Auckland, New Zealand)
Research Interests: combinatorics, esp. graph theory (finite and infinite),
combinatorial computing, combinatorial topology
Andreas Brandstädt
(at the Dept. of CS, Univ. of Rostock, Germany)
Research Interests: graph theory, esp. efficient graph algorithms, graph and hypergraph models, graph classes
Stefan Brandt
(at the Dept. of Math and CS, Freie Universität Berlin, Germany)
Research Interests: graph theory and its relations to algebra, geometry, and computer science
Hajo Broersma
(at the Faculty of Applied Math, Univ. of Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands)
Research Interests: discrete mathematics and graph theory, esp. cycles and paths,
spanning trees, and claw-free graphs, also planar graphs, colouring, connectivity, vulnerability, and diameter
Andries E. Brouwer
(at the Dept. of Math, TU Eindhoven, The Netherlands)
Research Interests: combinatorics and graph theory, esp. linear codes, distance-regular graphs
Remarkable Features: Server
"for bounds on the minimum distance of q-ary linear codes, q=2,3,4"
W. G. Brown
(at the Dept. of Math and Statistics, McGill Univ., Montreal, Quebec, Canada)
Research Interests: combinatorics and graph theory
Richard A. Brualdi
(at the Math Dept., Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison, USA)
Research Interests: combinatorics, codes, matrices
Anita C. Burris
(at the Dept. of Math and Statistics, Youngstown State Univ., Ohio, USA)
Research Interests: graph theory and combinatorics; also algebra, number theory, mathematics education
Ibrahim Cahit
(at the Eastern Mediterranean Univ., North Cyprus)
Research Interests: combinatorics and graph theory, esp. graph labelings, decomposition of graphs, and trees
Leizhen Cai
at the Dept. of CS and Engineering, The Chinese Univ. of Hong Kong, Shatin, Hong Kong, P.R. China)
Research Interests: graph algorithms (esp. uniformly polynomial-time algorithms
for graph problems, efficient algorithms for parameterized graphs, recognition algorithms
for special graphs, spanning subgraphs), graph theory (esp. intersection graphs,
colouring games, perfect graphs, local structures, path and cycle coverings and
decompositions), computational complexity (esp. NP-completeness, fixed-parameter tractability)
Peter J. Cameron
(at the School of Math Sciences, Queen Mary and Westfield College, Univ. of London, UK)
Research Interests: permutation groups acting on any structures, such as designs,
graphs, codes, ordered sets, topological spaces,...
Yair Caro
(Link to Graph Theory White Pages by Daniel Sanders until Yair has put up a new homepage/ at the Dept. of Math, Univ. of Haifa - Oranim, Tivon, Israel)
Research Interests: combinatorics and graph theory, esp. independence and
domination parameters, extremal-problems, Ramsey theory and zero-sum problems, decomposition, packings and coverings of graphs
Gary Chartrand
(at the Dept. of Math and Statistics, Western Michigan Univ., Kalamazoo, USA)
Research Interests: combinatorics and graph theory, esp. applied and algorithmic graph theory and digraphs
Yeow Meng Chee
(lives in Singapore, has his own domain, and his activities include research, fundraising, and governmental comitees)
Research Interests: Turan-type problems, combinatorial designs, coding theory, and cryptography
Bill Chen's Field of Dreams
(at the Center for Combinatorics, Nankai Univ., Tianjin, P.R. China)
Research Interests: combinatorics
Remarkable Features: The Combinatorics Net,
a vast resource covering a wide range of subjects concerning combinatorics
Fan Chung Graham
(at the Dept. of Math, Univ. of California San Diego, La Jolla, California, USA)
Research Interests: graph theory and combinatorics, esp. Eigenvalues and spectra of graphs
Vaek Chvátal
(at the Dept. of CS, Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey, Piscataway, USA)
Research Interests: analysis of algorithms (esp. cutting-plane proofs),
combinatorics (esp. extremal problems and random discrete structures),
graph theory (esp. hamiltonian cycles and perfect graphs), and operations
research (esp. linear programming)
Remarkable Features:
Karen L. Collins
(at the Math Dept., Wesleyan Univ., Middletown, Connecticut, USA)
Research Interests: graph theory, enumerative and algebraic combinatorics
Francesc Comellas
(at the Dept. de Matemàtica Aplicada i Telemàtica, Univ. Politènica de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain)
Research Interests: application of graph theory to the design of topologies and communication strategies for interconnection networks,
esp. design of large networks, particularly the degree-diameter problem for vertex-symetric networks, communication problems
(broadcasting and gossiping), use of combinatorial optimization algorithms for problems like the design of certain classes of networks or
communication strategies, simulated annealing, tabu search, genetic algorithms, genetic programming, multi-agent algorithms (ants),
immune system based algorithms
Derek G. Corneil
(at the Dept. of CS, Univ. of Toronto, Canada)
Research Interests: graph theory and combinatorics
Bruno Courcelle
(at the Lab for Research in CS (LaBRI), Bordeaux, France)
Research Interests: graph theory, logic and their interrelationships
Lenore Cowen
(at the CS Dept., Tufts University, Medford, Massachusetts, USA)
Research Interests: Graph coloring, applications of combinatorics and graph theory to theoretical computer science,
probabilistic methods in graph theory and combinatorics, graph algorithms
Joseph (Joe) Culberson
(at the Dept. of Computing Science, Univ. of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada)
Research Interests: algorithms, esp. hardness of algorithms, randomized approaches to NP-hard problems, genetic algorithms,
graph colorings; also computational geometry, binary search trees, real cost searching, partial orders
Remarkable Features: Graph Coloring Page
Nathaniel Dean
(at the Computational & Applied Math, Rice University, Houston, Texas, USA)
Research Interests: algorithms, graph theory, geometry, and combinatorics and their application to data visualization and network design
Ermelinda De La Vina
(at the Dept. of Math, Univ. of Houston, Texas, USA)
Research Interests: knowledge discovery in databases and graph theory, esp. algorithms and extremal problems
Walter Deuber
(at the Dept. of Math, Univ. of Bielefeld, Germany)
Research Interests: graph theory, combinatorics and their application to other fields of mathematics
Matthew "Matt" J. DeVos
(at the Math Dept., Princeton Univ., New Jersey, USA)
Research Interests: graph theory and combinatorics, esp. flow/coloring problems,
matroid theory, and combinatorial properties of finite vector spaces
Remarkable Features: His page Open Problems In Discrete Math
offers open problems (and prizes for solutions) in the areas flows of graphs, cycle covers, choosability for Ax=y, edge coloring, vertex coloring,
directed graphs, topological graph theory, matroid theory, additive number theory and more.
Dominique de Werra
(at the Dept. of Math, École Polytechnique Fédéral de Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland)
Research Interests: combinatorial optimization, scheduling, graph theory, operations research, timetabling
Reinhard Diestel
(at the Dept. of Math, Univ. of Hamburg, Germany)
Research Interests: discrete mathematics, graph theory
Guoli Ding
(at the Dept. of Math, Louisiana State Univ., Baton Rouge, USA)
Research Interests: graph theory, esp. matroids and substructures of embedded graphs
Michael J. Dinneen
(at the Dept. of CS, Univ. of Auckland, New Zealand)
Research Interests: graph theory, esp. obstructions sets of graph families,
generation of graph theoretical conjectures by computers, and Cayley graphs as an underlying network structure
Remarkable Features: The VACS Page,
a program to find obstructions of graph families that are closed under the minor order
Hristo N. Djidjev
(at the Dept. of CS, Univ. of Warwick, Coventry, UK)
Research Interests: graph theory and combinatorics, esp. efficient combinatorial algorithms based on nice properties
of the input data, graph partitioning, parallel computing, shortest paths in planar networks, graph drawing and computational geometry
Gayla S. Domke
(at the Dept. of Math and CS, Georgia State Univ., Atlanta, USA)
Research Interests: graph theory
Richard Duke
(at the Georgia Inst. of Technology, Atlanta, USA)
Research Interests: combinatorics, esp. graph theory and finite set systems
Mark Ellingham
(at the Dept. of Math, Vanderbilt Univ., Nashville, Tennessee, USA)
Research Interests: combinatorics
Robert Ellis
(at the Dept. of Math, Texas A&M Univ., College Station, Texas, USA)
Research Interests: combinatorics and graph theory, esp. reformulation of the proof
of the Four Colour Theorem, cubical complexes, randomization in card shuffling, listening to graphs (!)
Remarkable Features: projects menu
(4-Colour-Theorem, cross-product reformulation of its proof, listening to graphs (!), torus hitting times and others)
Click here for a frame version.
Thomas Emden-Weinert
(at the Dept. of CS, Humboldt-Univ. Berlin, Germany)
Research Interests: transport and logistics, human resource scheduling;
combinatorial optimization, operations research, metaheuristics, simulation;
decision support and management information systems; software engineering, software
development process improvement; graph theory and algorithms; approximation algorithms
David Eppstein
(at the Dept. of Information and CS, Univ. of California, Irvine, USA)
Research Interests: graph algorithms and computational geometry
Remarkable Features:
- Gene,
a shareware Macintosh genealogy database management program
- Geometry in Action,
a huge collection of descriptions and links concerning applications of geometry
- Geometry Junkyard,
a huge collection of links to geometry-related topics
- Number-Theoretic Hacks,
some implemented algorithms concerning number theory and several links to number theoretic sites
- Combinatorial Game Theory,
a huge list of web resources concerning game theory
Erdõs Pál (1913-1996)
(international version: Paul Erdös/ by the Eötvös University, Budapest, Hungary); see also
Research Interests: mathematics, esp. number theory, combinatorics, graph theory
Martin Erickson
(at the Division of Math and CS, Truman State Univ., Kirksville, Missouri, USA)
Research Interests: number theory, problem solving, combinatorics, and graph theory, esp. ramsey theory
Josep Fàbrega
(at the Dept. de Matemàtica Aplicada i Telemàtica, Univ. Politènica de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain)
Research Interests: application of graph theory to the design of topologies and
communication strategies for interconnection networks, esp. connectivity of graphs
and digraphs, extremal problems in graph theory, vulnerability of interconnection
networks, routing and information dissemination in interconnection networks, permutation and dynamic memory networks
Siemion Fajtlowicz
(at the Dept. of Math, Univ. of Houston, Texas, USA)
Research Interests: algebra, combinatorics, graph theory
Ralph Faudree
(at the Dept. of Mathemathical Sciences, The Univ. of Memphis, Tennessee, USA)
Research Interests: graph theory, esp. Hamiltonian theory and Ramsey theory of graphs
Michael Fellows
(at the School of Electrical Engineering and CS, Univ. of Newcastle, Callaghan, NSW, Australia)
Research Interests: combinatorics and graph theory, esp. optimal network design, well-quasiordering theory, and graph algorithms
and complexity theory and their apllications to VLSI layout, computational biology and cryptography
Miguel Angel Fiol
(at the Dept. de Matemàtica Aplicada i Telemàtica, Univ. Politènica de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain)
Research Interests: graph theory and combintorics, esp. graph coloring, congruences in Z^n,
tessellations and equidecompositions, groups and graphs, graphs and interconnection networks,
extremal problems in graphs, connectivity of graphs, algebraic graph theory
Steve Fisk
(at the Dept. of Math, Bowdoin College, Brunswick, maine, USA)
Research Interests: combinatorics, topological graph theory, projective geometry
Herbert Fleischner
(at the Inst. of Information Processing, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna, Austria)
Research Interests: graph theory, esp. Eulerian and Hamiltonian graphs,
dominating cycles, the Cycle Double Cover Conjecture, constructions involving the Petersen graph
Pierre Fraigniaud
(at the Laboratoire de Recherche en Informatique, Univ. Paris-Sud, Orsay, France)
Research Interests: group communications,esp. multicasting, broadcasting; routing;
interconnection networks for parallel and distributed systems; communication algorithms for telecommunication systems
Carlos E. Frasser
(Senior Scientist-Consultant, at the ATMIC Corporation: Applied Researches and Development, Toronto, Canada)
Research Interests: combinatorics, graph theory, application of graph theory to the topological design of computer networks
Remarkable Features:
Kathryn (Kathy) Fraughnaugh
(at the Dept. of Math, Univ. of Colorado at Denver, USA)
Research Interests: graph theory, applied abstract algebra, mathematical foundations of artificial intelligence and heuristic search
Hubert de Fraysseix
(at the Centre d'Analyse et de Mathématique Sociales, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Paris, France)
Research Interests: graph theory and combinatorics, esp. planarity and graph drawing
Remarkable Features: P.I.G.A.L.E.
(Public Implementation of a Graph Algorithm Library and Editor, together with P. Ossona de Mendez and P. Rosenstiehl). PIGALE is a graph editor
with an interface to the LEDA library and with many algorithms implemented essentially concerning planar graphs.
Alan Frieze
(at the Dept. of Math, Carnegie Mellon Univ., Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA)
Research Interests: probabilistic combinatorics and its applications to theoretical computer science and operations research
Dalibor Froncek
(at the Dept. of Math and Statistics, University of Minnesota, Duluth, USA)
Research Interests: graph theory and design theory, esp. graph and design factorizations and their applications, e.g. on tournament scheduling
Zoltán Füredi
(at the Dept. of Math, Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, USA)
Research Interests: theory of finite sets with applications to geometry, designs, computer science
Joseph A. Gallian
(at the Dept. of Math and Statistics, Univ. of Minnesota, Duluth, USA)
Research Interests: algebra and graph theory, esp. groups; teaching math
Remarkable Features: The Duluth Undergraduate Research Program ,
a funded program for undergraduate students to encourage and teach them to do serious mathematical research in the areas of
algebra and combinatorics resulting in published papers in established journals. If you don't believe it, read
this. If you are really interested, click here.
Zhicheng Gao
(at the Dept. of Math and Statistics, Carleton Univ., Ottawa, Ontario, Canada)
Research Interests: combinatorics and graph theory, esp. graphs and maps on surfaces, asymptotic methods in combinatorial enumeration,
solving functional equations in the ring of formal power series, algorithms dealing with hypergeometric terms and holonomic sequences
Naveen Garg
(at the Max-Planck-Istitute for CS, Saarbrücken, Germany)
Research Interests: approximation algorithms, combinatorial optimization, graph algorithms
Dieter Gernert
(at the TU München, Germany)
Research Interests: general systems theory, philosophy of science, cognitive science, cellular automata; further graph theory,
esp. extremal graph theory, relations between graph invariants, colouring, graphs and matrices, eigenvalues, recursive graph classes
Joan Gimbert
(at the Dept. of Math, Univ. of Lleida, Catalunya, Spain)
Research Interests: algebraic graph theory, esp. applications of spectral theory
to the study of dense digraphs; applications of number theory to cryptography
Luis A. Goddyn
(at the Dept. of Math and Statistics and Center for Experimental & Constructive Math, Simon Fraser Univ., Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada)
Research Interests: combinatorics and graph theory, esp. circuit and flow structure of graphs and matroids, specialized Gray codes, Euclidean
optimization problems
Chris D. Godsil
(at the Dept. of Combinatorics and Optimization, Univ. of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada)
Research Interests: interactions between algebra and combinatorics, esp. applications of association schemes to graphs, codes, and designs
Michael X. Goemans
(at the MIT Dept. of Math, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA)
Research Interests: combinatorial optimization, esp. several areas of combinatorics,
theoretical computer science, optimization, and lately (cooperative) game theory
Andrew V. Goldberg
(at the Microsoft Research -- Silicon Valley, Mountain View, California, USA)
Research Interests: computer science and discrete mathematics, esp. optimization algorithms and flow algorithms; internet commerce,
design and analysis of algorithms, computational testing of algorithms, computer system performance, and archival publication
Remarkable Features: Andrew Goldberg's Network Optimization Library,
some software packages to run under UNIX
Mark K. Goldberg
(at the Rensselaer Polytechnic Inst. (RPI), Troy, New York, USA)
Research Interests: combinatorics, design of efficient algorithms for combinatorial
optimization problems, software design for mathematical applications, computational learning theory, machine learning
Martin Charles Golumbic
(at the Dept. of Math and CS, Bar-Ilan Univ., Ramat-Gan, Israel)
Research Interests: combinatorics, algorithmic analysis, expert systems, artificial intelligence, and programming languages
Frank Göring
(at the Dept. of Math, Faculty of Math and Natural Sciences, TU Ilmenau, Germany)
Research Interests: graph theory, esp. polyhedral graphs and Menger's Theorem
Ronald J. Gould
(at the Dept. of Math and CS, Emory Univ., Atlanta, Georgia)
Research Interests: combinatorics, graph theory, computer science
Jerrold R. Griggs
(at the Dept. of Math, Univ. of South Carolina, Columbia, USA)
Research Interests: combinatorics and graph theory, esp. extremal set theory, extremal graph theory, graph coloring,
and applications of discrete math to biology, number theory, analysis of algorithms, communications.
Remarkable Features: Photos of Paul Erdos (1913--1996)
Jonathan L. Gross
(at the Dept. of CS, Columbia University, New York, USA)
Research Interests: structural analysis of mathematical objects and improving methods for representation of mathematical objects,
esp. interconnection networks and their layouts. Methods are from the geometric side of algebraic topology and from the algebra of permutation groups.
Several aspects of recent research (November 1999): algebraic specification of interconnection network relationships, algebraic specification of
network layouts and their duals, probabilistic algorithms for graph isomorphism testing
Remarkable Features: The book "Graph Theory and Its Applications" (together with Jay Yellen),
"a comprehensive applications-driven textbook that provides material for several different courses in graph theory." This site also provides links
to other graph theoretical and mathematical resources.
Jerry Grossman
(at the Dept. of Math Sciences, Oakland Univ., Rochester, Michigan, USA)
Research Interests: combinatorics, graph theory, and theoretical computer science,
esp. dominating sets and algorithms; also elementary number theory, algebraic topology, probability and statistics
Martin Grötschel
(at the Konrad-Zuse-Zentrum für Informationstechnik Berlin (ZIB), Germany)
Research Interests: combinatorics, graph theory and combinatorial optimization, esp.
transportation problems with and without on-line requirements, telecommunication networks
Jens Gustedt
(at the Laboratoire lorrain de recherche en informatique et ses applications (LORIA), Vandoeuvre-lès-Nancy Cedex, France)
Research Interests: graph algorithms, theory and algorithms of ordered sets, image processing, digital filters
Z. Gregory Gutin
(at the Dept. of Computer Science, Royal Holloway Univ. of London, Egham, UK)
Research Interests: paths and cycles in directed and undirected graphs, combinatorial optimization, graph algorithms
Roland Häggkvist
(at the Dept. of Math, Umeå Univ., Sweden)
Research Interests: graph theory and combinatorics
Magnús M. Halldórsson
(at the Science Inst., Univ. of Iceland, Reykjavik)
Research Interests: design and analysis of algorithms, esp. approximation
algorithms (heuristics for NP-complete problems with guaranteed performance), on-line algorithms
Jochen Harant
(at the Dept. of Math, Faculty of Math and Natural Sciences, TU Ilmenau, Germany)
Research Interests: graph theory, esp. cycles in graphs , planarity criterions,
colourings of graphs, dominating and independent sets of graphs, probabilistic methods, scheduling
Frank Harary
(at the CS Dept., New Mexico State Univ., Las Cruces, USA)
Research Interests: all aspects of graph theory, esp. sum and difference graphs, new invariation dominants, forcing concepts, new games
Heiko Harborth
(at the Dept. of Math and CS, TU Braunschweig, Germany)
Research Interests: combinatorics and graph theory
Refael Hassin
(at the Dept. of Statistics and Operations Research, Tel Aviv Univ., Israel)
Research Interests: combinatorial optimization, approximation algorithms, network flows, economics of queues
Teresa Haynes
(at the Dept. of Math, East Tennessee State Univ., Johnson City, USA)
Research Interests: graph theory, networking
Ryan B. Hayward
(at the Dept. of CS, Univ. of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada)
Research Interests: algorithmic graph theory, esp. related to classes of perfect graphs
Lenwood S. Heath
(at the Dept. of CS, Virginia Polytechnic Inst. and State Univ., Blacksburg, USA)
Research Interests: algorithms, graph theory, graph embeddings, topology, computational geometry, information retrieval, theoretical computer science
Christopher Carl Heckman
(at the Dept. of Math and Statistics, Arizona State Univ., Tempe, USA)
Research Interests: graph theory, combinatorics, graph algorithms, number theory
Remarkable Features:
- You can download the program GEMBED directly from the home page, "which tests for embeddability
of graphs on the projective plane, the torus, and the spindle surface. Available as a gzipped tar file."
- Computing even cycles in graphs,
an algorithm designed by N. Robertson, P.D. Seymour and R. Thomas and programmed by Heckman
Stephen T. Hedetniemi
(at the Dept. of CS, Clemson Univ., South Carolina, USA)
Research Interests: design and analysis of algorithms, esp. combinatorial optimization, methodologies for constructing linear algorithms,
computational complexity and NP-completeness, parallel algorithms and complexity; graph theory, esp. domination in graphs, coverings and
packings in graphs, colorings and partitions of graphs, operations on graphs, graph algorithms, chessboard problems and algorithms; data structures;
computation theory, esp. models of computation and the limits of computation
a big list of open problems that Hedetniemi is interested in. You may also want to risk a look on his page
A Compendium of My Favorite Metaphysical Books.
Alain Hertz
(at the Dept. of Math, École Polytechnique Fédéral de Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland)
Research Interests: combinatorial optimization, algorithmics in graph theory, evolutionary algorithms,
scheduling and timetabling, distribution and transportation problems
A. J. W. Hilton
(at the Dept. of Math, Univ. of Reading, UK)
Research Interests: combinatorics and graph theory, esp. extremal set theory, edge-colouring graphs, total-colouring graphs,
k-to-1 continuous maps, Latin squares, Steiner triple systems, amalgamations
Michael Himsolt
(own domain, Ulm, Germany)
Research Interests: graph editors, graph drawing algorithms
Remarkable Features: software package GRAPHLET,
a "toolkit for implementing graph editors and graph drawing algorithms",
GraphEd, an "interactive, extensible
editor for graphs and graph grammars with lots of layout and other algorithms"
Chinh T. Hoâng
(at the Dept. of Physics and Computing, Wilfrid Laurier Univ., Waterloo, Ontario, Canada)
Research Interests: graph theory, graph algorithms
Arthur M. Hobbs
(at the Dept. of Math, Texas A&M Univ., College Station, USA)
Research Interests: graph theory and matroids, esp. thickness of graphs, Hamiltonian cycles, packings of graphs with trees
Dorit S. Hochbaum
(at the Dept. of Industrial Engineering and Operations Research, Univ. of California, Berkeley, USA)
Research Interests: optimization, esp. in manufacturing of VLSI circuits, in testing and designing circuits, in scheduling problems,
in planning of mining operations, in robots motion problems, in locations of facilities, in distribution and logistics, and in baking cakes;
further approximation algorithms, strongly polynomial algorithms, practical integer programming algorithms for discrete optimization problems,
problems on graphs, and nonlinear problems
Stefan Hougardy
(at the Dept. of CS, Humboldt-Univ., Berlin, Germany)
Research Interests: graph theory, esp. perfect graphs, graph algorithms, approximation algorithms, knot theory
Wen-Lian Hsu
(at the Inst. of Information Science, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan)
Research Interests: efficient algorithms, esp. concerning graphs; computerization the Chinese language
Jing Huang
(at the Dept. of Math and Stats, Univ. of Victoria, Victoria, Canada)
Research Interests: graph theory, algorithms and complexity
Alice Hubenkó
(at the Dept. of CS, Eötvös Loránd Univ., Budapest, Hungary)
Research Interests: combinatorial algorithms, graph theory, combinatorial geometry
Glenn H. Hurlbert
(at the Dept. of Math and Stats, Arizona State Univ, Tempe, USA)
Research Interests: combinatorics, graph theory, extremal sets, probabilistic methods and graph pebbling
Garth Isaak
(at the Dept. of Math, Lehigh Univ., Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, USA)
Research Interests: graph theory and ordered sets
Mike Jacobson
(at the Dept. of Math, Univ. of Louisville, Kentucky, USA)
Research Interests: graph theory and combinatorics, esp. Hamiltonian graphs, cycles and paths, domination and related parameters,
intersection graphs and generalizations, ramsey theory, graph labelings (in particular irregular labelings), permutations, designs
Klaus Jansen
(at the Dept. for CS and Applied Math, Univ. Kiel, Kiel, Germany)
Research Interests: combinatorial optimization, approximation algorithms scheduling theory, inapproximability, on-line algorithms,
randomize algorithms
Tommy R. Jensen
(at the Dept. of Math, TU Chemnitz, Germany)
Research Interests: graph theory, esp. graph colourings
Mark Jerrum
(at the Dept. of CS, Univ. of Edinburgh, UK)
Research Interests: computational complexity, esp. probabilistic computation, complexity of combinatorial enumeration,
information- and complexity-theoretic aspects of machine learning, combinatorial optimization
Pranava K. Jha
(at the Dept. of CS, St. Cloud State Univ., Minnesota, USA)
Research Interests: design and analysis of algorithms, graph products and related structures, applications of graph theory
Tao Jiang
(at the Dept. of Math, Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA)
Research Interests: graph theory and combinatorics, esp. paths and cycles, connectivity and Ramsey type problems
Carroll K. Johnson
(at the Chemical and Analytical Sciences Division, Oak Ridge National Lab, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, USA)
Research Interests: geometric topology, euclidean 3-orbifold singular set graphs, Morse function critical-net graphs
Remarkable Features:
David S. Johnson
(at the AT&T Labs - Research, Florham Park, New Jersey, USA)
Research Interests: combinatorial optimization, approximation algorithms, NP-completeness, network design, routing and scheduling,
facilities location, The Traveling Salesman Problem, bin packing, graph coloring
Heinz Adolf Jung
(at the Dept. of Math, TU Berlin, Germany)
Research Interests: graph theory, esp. connectivity, longest paths and cycles, toughness, infinite graphs, and symmetry in graphs
Michael Jünger
(at the Inst. of CS, Univ. of Köln, Germany)
Research Interests: combinatorial optimization, esp. design, analysis, implementation, and evaluation of algorithms for hard
combinatorial optimization problems
Remarkable Features: software package ABACUS,
a "framework for the implementation of branch-and-bound algorithms" (together with Gerhard Reinelt and Stefan Thienel). Lots of other related
projects and software packages can be found here.
Viggo Kann
(at the Dept. of Numerical Analysis and Computing Science (NADA), Royal Inst. of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden)
Research Interests: approximation algorithms, algorithms for Swedish language tools
Remarkable Features: A compendium of NP optimization problems
Mikio Kano
(at the Dept. of Computer and Information Sciences, Ibaraki Univ., Japan) (Japanese/English)
Research Interests: graph theory, discrete geometry
David A. Karger
(at the Lab for CS, MIT, Cambridge, USA)
Research Interests: graph algorithms, esp. cuts and flows algorithms, graph coloring algorithms, information retrieval, randomized algorithms
Gyula Y. Katona
(at the Math Inst., Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, Hungary)
Research Interests: graph theory, graph algorithms, extremal graphs and hypergraphs, esp. Hamiltonian cycles in graphs and hypergraphs, toughness
Michael Kaufmann
(at the Wilhelm-Schickard-Inst. for CS, Univ. Tübingen, Germany)
Research Interests: algorithms and graphs, esp. graph drawing algorithms, parallel computing, external memory algorithms, Steiner trees
Remarkable Features: GraVis (Permission Denied!), a graph visualization system
Mark Kayll
(at the Dept. of Math Sciences, The Univ. of Montana, Missoula, USA)
Research Interests: discrete mathematics, operations research, theoretical computer science, esp. graph and hypergraph theory,
probabilistic methods in combinatorics, random matroids
André E. Kézdy
(at the Dept. of Math, Univ. of Louisville, Kentucky, USA)
Research Interests: combinatorics and graph theory, esp. perfect graphs, packing/covering graph problems, eigenvalue methods, computational complexity,
partially ordered sets, well-quasi orderings, C++ Graph Theory Package
Samir Khuller
(at the CS Dept., Univ. of Maryland, College Park, USA)
Research Interests: computational graph theory, approximation algorithms, combinatorial optimization, computational geometry
Philip Klein
(at the CS Dept., Brown Univ., Providence, Richmond)
Research Interests: shortest path algorithms, planar graphs
Jon Kleinberg
(at the Dept. of CS, Cornell Univ., Ithaca, New York, USA)
Research Interests: discrete algorithms and their applications, esp. optimization problems in network routing and network design,
the development of heuristics with provable performance guarantuees, analysis of network traffic as a dynamic phenomenon; algorithms for
clustering and indexing of high-dimensional data and application of these to hypermedia environments such as WWW; geometric and combinatorial
techniques for algorithmic problems in molecular biology
Joseph B. Klerlein
(at the Dept. of Math and CS, Western Carolina Univ., Cullowhee, North Carolina, USA)
Research Interests: combinatorics and graph theory, esp. permutations, Hamiltonian cycles in Cayley color graphs and near Cayley color graphs
Debra Knisley
(at the Dept. of Math, East Tennessee State Univ., Johnson City, USA)
Research Interests: graph theory, esp. vertex degree conditions
Donald E. Knuth
(at the CS Dept., Stanford Univ., Palo Alto, California, USA)
Research Interests: computer science and discrete mathematics, esp. the art of programming
Bill Kocay
(at the CS Dept., Univ. of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada)
Research Interests: development of mathematical software, combinatorics and graph theory, esp. algorithms for graphs, graph reconstruction problem,
graph isomorphism problem, projective geometry, hamiltonian cycles, planarity, combinatorial designs
Jan Kratochvil
(at the Dept. of Applied Math, Charles Univ., Prague, Czech Republic)
Research Interests: graph theory, combinatorics and computational complexity, esp. intersection graphs, domination theory, covers of graphs,
induced minors, Hamiltonian cycles, graph colorings, satisfiability
Dieter Kratsch
(at the Math and CS Faculty, Friedrich-Schiller-Univ., Jena, Germany)
Research Interests: combinatorics, graph theory and algorithms, esp. bandwidth, treewidth, reconstruction, cocomparability graphs, hamiltonicity
Matthias Kriesell
(at the Dept. of Math, Univ. of Hannover, Germany)
Research Interests: graph theory, esp. connectivity, cycles in graphs planarity, line graphs, factors, domination; hypergraphs,
esp. connectivity, domination; matroid theory, esp. matroid connectivity
André Kündgen
(at the Dept. of Math, California State Univ. San Marcos, San Marcos, California, USA)
Research Interests: discrete mathematics, esp. graph theory (extremal and coloring problems, Ramsey theory)
Peter Lam
(at the Dept. of Math, Hong Kong Baptist Univ., Hong Kong, P.R. China)
Research Interests: time series and forecasting, neural network, graph theory and combinatorics, operations research and business application
of mathematics
Michael A. Langston
(at the Dept. of CS, Univ. of Tennessee, Knoxville, USA)
Research Interests: analysis of algorithms, concrete complexity theory, deterministic scheduling theory, discrete mathematics, graph theory,
operations research, parallel computing, VLSI design
Brenda J. Latka
(at the Dept. of Math, Lafayette College, Easton, Pennsylvania, USA)
Research Interests: tournaments, well-quasi-orderings, antichains of tournaments
Josef Lauri
(at the Dept. of Math, Univ. of Malta, Malta)
Research Interests: graph theory and combinatorics, esp. the reconstruction problem, pseudosimilarity and related questions about symmetries of graphs
Remarkable Features: Some open problems("mostly from graph theory")
Linda M. Lawson
(at the Dept. of Math, East Tennessee State Univ., Johnson City, USA)
Research Interests: applied math, graph theory
Felix Lazebnik
(at the Dept. of Math, Univ. of Delaware, Newark, USA)
Research Interests: graph theory, combinatorics, algebra
Van Bang Le
(at the Dept. of CS, Univ. of Rostock, Germany)
Research Interests: graph theory, esp. perfect graphs
Jenõ Lehel
(at the Dept. of Math, Univ. of Louisville, Ohio, USA)
Research Interests: combinatorics and graph theory
Thomas Lengauer
(at the Inst. for Algorithms and Scientific Computing (SCAI), German National Research Center for Information Technology (GMD), Sankt Augustin, Germany)
Research Interests: efficient algorithms, combinatorial optimization, molecular modelling in chemistry and molecular biology,
analysis of biological sequences, packaging problems in engineering (esp. circuit design, textile and leather cutting, three-dimensional packing)
Gregory M. Levin
(at the Dept. of Math, Harvey Mudd College, Claremont, California, USA)
Research Interests: fractional graph theory
Martin "Marty" J. Lewinter
(at the Dept. of Math and CS, Purchase College, New York, USA)
Research Interests: classical differential geometry, number theory, history of mathematics, and graph theory, esp. spanning trees,
distance problems, and hypercubes
Cai Heng Li
(at the Dept. of Math and Statistics, Univ. of Western Australia, Perth, Australia)
Research Interests: algebraic combinatorics and group theory, esp. Cayley graphs
Charles Little
(at the Dept. of Math, Massey Univ., Palmerston North, New Zealand)
Research Interests: topological graph theory, 1-factors of graphs
Stephen C. Locke
(at the Dept. of Math Sciences, Florida Atlantic Univ., Boca Raton, USA)
Research Interests: graph theory and graph theory algorithms, esp. Dirac-type conditions and long cycles, independence ratio in triangle-free graphs
Remarkable Features: maintains a Graph Theorypage containing basic definitions and an index
László Lovász
(at the Dept. of CS, Yale Univ., New Haven, Connecticut, USA)
Research Interests: combinatorial optimization, algorithms, complexity, random walks on graphs
Vadim V. Lozin
(at RUTCOR, Rutgers, the State Univ. of New Jersey, Piscataway, USA)
Research Interests: special graph classes, esp. subclasses of bipartite graphs, algorithms for hard graph problems on special classes;
optimization of stable sets; graph representations and universal graphs
Rich Lundgren
(at the Dept. of Math, Univ. of Colorado at Denver, USA)
Research Interests: abstract algebra, applied graph theory, teaching math
Nik Lygeros
(at the Inst. Girard Desargues, Univ. Lyon I, Villeurbanne, France)
Research Interests: combinatorics, computer algebra, graph theory, number theory
Gary MacGillivray
(at the Dept. of Math and Statistics, Univ. of Victoria, British Columbia, Canada)
Research Interests: combinatorial problems with a view towards algorithms and complexity, esp. graph colouring, domination in graphs,
and extremal problems
Frédéric Maffray
(at the Dept. of Discrete Math, Leibniz Lab, IMAG Inst., Grenoble, France)
Research Interests: graph colorings, perfect graphs, domination, cuts
Remarkable Features: An overview on Graph Theory
(together with Sylvain Gravier)
John Maharry
(at the Dept. of Math, Ohio State Univ., Columbus, USA)
Research Interests: characterization of graph classes, graph minors
Johann (Janos) A. Makowsky
(at the Faculty of CS, Technion (Israel Institute of Technology), Haifa, Israel )
Research Interests: mathematical logic and its interaction with computer science, database theory, finite model theory and descriptive complexity
Remarkable Features:
Joseph "Joe" Malkevitch
(at the Dept. of Math/Computing, York College (CUNY), Jamaica, New York, USA)
Research Interests: geometry, esp. polytopes, graph theory, tilings; mathematical modeling, esp. models dealing with fairness
and equity issues and codes of all kinds; graph theoretical and combinatorial methods; mathematical education, esp. public perceptions
of mathematics and mathematicians, "when to call a mathematician!", techniques versus themes for organizing the content of mathematics,
training "ambassadors" for mathematics, providing a non-standard look at geometry for children
Remarkable Features:
- Mathematical Tidbits,
a collection of notes on some all-day or fun topics involving some mathematics.
- directly on the homepage there is a collection of bibliographies covering subjects
like codes, geometry, graph theory and combinatorics, fairness and equity...
Lisa Markus
(at the Dept. of Math, Furman Univ., Greenwille, South Carolina, USA)
Research Interests: graph theory, esp. dominating sets
Ernesto Martins
(at the Math Dept., Univ. of Coimbra, Portugal)
Research Interests: optimal path problems, shortest path ranking problem, multiobjective optimal path problem, maximal flow problem,
minimal cost flow problem
Remarkable Features: Source Codes, a collection of
FORTRAN 77 and C sources dealing with many network, path, and flow problems and algorithms
C. J. McDiarmid
(at the Dept. of Statistics, Univ. of Oxford, UK)
Research Interests: discrete mathematics, esp. probability and algorithms, mathematics of OR, graph colouring, radio channel assignment problems
Sean McGuinness
(at the Dept. of Math, Umeå Univ., Sweden)
Research Interests: graph theory
Brendan McKay
(at the Dept. of CS, Australian National Univ., Canberra)
Research Interests: graph theory and combinatorics
Remarkable Features:
- nauty, a program which calculates automorphism groups of graphs and digraphs
- autoson, a "tool for scheduling independent processes across a network of UNIX workstations"
- plantri, a "program for generating planar triangulations" (on the homepage of Brendan)
Terry A. McKee
(at the Dept. of Math and Statistics, Wright State Univ., Dayton, Ohio, USA)
Research Interests: graph theory, esp. intersection graphs, chordal graphs, graph dualities, and graph meta-theory; mathematical logic
Remarkable Features: table of contents and additions and corrections for the book
"Topics in Intersection Graph Theory"
(by Terry A. McKee and F. R. McMorris)
Kurt Mehlhorn
(at the Algorithms and Complexity Group, Max-Planck-Inst. for CS, Saarbrücken, Germany)
Research Interests: data structures, graph algorithms, computational geometry, parallel algorithms, computational complexity, software libraries
Remarkable Features: The LEDA Platform of Combinatorial and Geometric Computing,
a page introducing the book 'LEDA' by K. Mehlhorn and S. Näher; LEDA
is "a library of the data types and algorithms of combinatorial computing"
Sarah Merz
(at the Math Dept., Univ. of the Pacific, Stockton, California, USA)
Research Interests: graph theory, esp. competition graphs
Peter Mihók
(at the Math Inst., Slovak Academy of Sciences, Extension in Kosice, Bratislava, Slovak Republic)
Research Interests: graph theory
Mirka Miller
(at the Dept. of CS and Software Engineering, Univ. of Newcastle, Callaghan, Australia)
Research Interests: optimal networks, constructions of large graphs and digraphs, data security, security of statistical databases,
combinatorics and its applications
Current Research Interests: extremal graphs and digraphs, graph labeling (magic, antimagic, sum, mod sum, integral sum), combinatorics
Bojan Mohar
(at the Dept. of Math, Univ. of Ljubljana, Slovenia)
Research Interests: graphs on surfaces, algebraic graph theory, graph coloring, graph minors
Remarkable Features: Problems, a page with open problems in graph theory.
Rolf H. Möhring
(at the Dept. of Math, TU Berlin, Germany)
Research Interests: graph algorithms, combinatorial optimization, project scheduling, ordered sets
Pablo Moscato
(at the Dept. de Engenharia de Sistemas, Faculdade de Engenharia Eletrica e de Computacao, Univ. Estadual de Campinas, Campinas, Brazil)
Research Interests: optimization, combinatorial optimization, approximation algorithms, heuristic and metaheuristic approaches for large scale problems;
proper evaluation of simulated annealing, tabu search, genetic algoritms and memetic algorithms , space-filling curves and the Traveling Salesman Problem.
Remarkable Features:
Rajeev Motwani
(at the Dept. of CS, Stanford Univ., California, USA)
Research Interests: design and analysis of algorithms, esp. approximation, online computations, randomized algorithms, complexity theory;
combinatorial optimization and scheduling theory with application to computer systems, esp. compilers (code optimization via combined register
allocation and instruction scheduling for superscalar machines) and databases (parallel query optimization and multi-query optimization);
information retrieval, web searching, data mining; computational biology, automated drug design; computational and combinatorial geometry with
applications to robotics/vision
Dhruv Mubayi
(at the School of Math, Georgia Inst. of Technology, Atlanta, Georgia, USA)
Research Interests: graph theory, partially ordered sets, set systems, and hypergraphs, esp. extremal graph theory
Haiko Müller
(at the School of Computing, Univ. of Leeds, UK)
Research Interests: algorithms and complexity, esp. algorithms on graphs and partially ordered sets, approximative algorithms,
graph theory and special classes of graphs
Xavier Muñoz
(at the Dept. de Matemàtica Aplicada i Telemàtica, Univ. Politènica de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain)
Research Interests: communication problems in graphs
Wendy Myrvold
(at the Dept. of CS, Univ. of Victoria, British Columbia, Canada)
Research Interests: graph theory, graph algorithms, and network reliability, esp. unranking spanning trees, maximum clique problem,
practical torus embeddings, finding new cages, graph reconstruction
Stefan Näher
(at the Dept. of Math and CS, Martin-Luther Univ. Halle-Wittenberg, Halle (Saale), Germany)
Research Interests: computational geometry, graph algorithms, graph drawing
Remarkable Features: The LEDA Platform of Combinatorial and Geometric Computing,
a page introducing the book 'LEDA' by K. Mehlhorn and S. Näher;
LEDA is "a library of the data types and algorithms of combinatorial computing"
Darren A. Narayan
(at the Dept. of Math & Stats, Rochester Inst. of Technology, Rochester, New York, USA)
Research Interests: combinatorics and graph theory, esp. minimum feedback arc sets and the reversing number of a digraph,
representations of graphs modulo n, tilings, Fibonacci determinants
C. St. J. A. Nash-Williams (????-2001)
(died on January 20th, 2001. His last job (as far as I know) was at the Dept. of Math, Univ. of Reading, UK. I wasn't able to find anything
about his death in the web. Therefore, if you find something about his life and death in the web, please tell me.)
Research Interests: graph theory
Takao Nishizeki
(at the Dept. of System Information Sciences, Tohoku Univ., Sendai, Japan)
Research Interests: algorithms for planar graphs, edge-coloring, network flows, VLSI routing and cryptology
Steve Noble
(at the Dept of Math Sciences, Brunel Univ., Uxbridge, UK)
Research Interests: combinatorial optimisation; graph theory, esp. complexity of counting problems,
graph algorithms, the Tutte polynomial and the frequency assignment problem
Ortrud R. Oellermann
(at the Dept. of Math and Statistics, Univ. of Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada)
Research Interests: combinatorics and graph theory with emphasis on effective communication and network reliability, esp. Steiner trees,
average distance, connectivity and its generalizations
Bogdan Oporowski
(at the Dept. of Math, Louisiana State Univ., Baton Rouge, USA)
Research Interests: graphs and matroids
Patrice Ossona de Mendez
(at the Centre d'Analyse et de Mathématique Sociales, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Paris, France)
Research Interests: graph theory and combinatorics, esp. planarity and graph drawing
Remarkable Features: P.I.G.A.L.E.
(Public Implementation of a Graph Algorithm Library and Editor, together with H. de Fraysseix and P. Rosenstiehl).
PIGALE is a graph editor with an interface to the LEDA library and with many algorithms implemented essentially concerning planar graphs.
Steven R. Pagano
(at the Dept. of Math, Univ. of Kentucky, Lexington, USA)
Research Interests: matroids and graph theory, esp. signed graphs
Remarkable Features: Matroids and Signed Graphs,
a smooth introduction into matroids and signed graphs
Ignacio M. Pelayo
(at the Dept. de Matemàtica Aplicada III, Univ. Politècnica de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain)
Research Interests: graph theory, esp. connectivity (05C40), extremal problems (05C35), distance in graphs (05C12), digraphs
and tournaments (05C35), paths and cycles (05C38); algebraic graph theory, esp. graphs and matrices (05C50)
Vitali Petchenkine
(at the Dept. of Math, Saratov State Univ., Saratov, Russia)
Research Interests: graph theory and social structures
Remarkable Features: GRIN (GRaph INterface), free software on graph theory for Win 9X,NT which covers a wide range of problems
and can easily be used, e.g. for demonstrations (you find it directly on the homepage)
Vojislav Petrovic
(at the Institute of Math, Univ. of Novi Sad, Yugoslavia)
Research Interests: combinatorics and graph theory, esp. oriented graphs, tournaments, and Hamiltonian cycles
Tomaz Pisanski
(at the Dept. of Math, Univ. of Ljubljana, Slovenia)
Research Interests: computability of combinatorial and graph theoretical objects
Remarkable Features: takes part in the project "VEGA",
a software package for "manipulating discrete mathematical structures"
Miguel Angel Pizaña
(at the Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Iztapalapa, Mexico)
Research Interests: iterated clique graphs, graph theory, computational complexity
Remarkable Features: Clique Graph Theorists, a very "visual" page of graph theory people
Michael Plummer
(at the Dept. of Math, Vanderbilt Univ., Nashville, Tennessee, USA)
Research Interests: graph theory and combinatorics
Cheryl E. Praeger
(at the Dept. of Math and Statistics, Univ. of Western Australia, Perth, Australia)
Research Interests: group theory, esp. permutation groups and algorithms for computing with groups; algebraic graph theory;
theory of combinatorial designs
Rob Pratt
(at the Dept. of Operations Research, Univ. of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA)
Research Interests: combinatorics, graph theory and knot theory; further bioinformatics and computational biology
Remarkable Features: Graph Theory, a collection of links to
graph theoretical resources and people on the web
Myriam Preissmann
(at the Dept. of Discrete Math, Leibniz Lab, IMAG Inst., Grenoble, France)
Research Interests: graph theory and algorithms, esp. perfect graphs, cubic graphs, edge-colourings of graphs, VLSI-design, combinatorial physics
Erich Prisner
(at the Dept. of Math, Univ. Hamburg, Germany)
Research Interests: graph transformations, intersection graphs, distance in graphs, interconnection networks, graph algorithms,
computational geometry, and cellular automata
Remarkable Features:
H. J. Prömel
(German/ at the Dept. of CS, Humboldt-Univ., Berlin, Germany)
Research Interests: graph theory and combinatorics, probabilistic methods in computer science, randomized and approximation algorithms, combinatorial
Andrzej Proskurowski
(at the CS Dept., Univ. of Oregon, Eugene, USA)
Research Interests: combinatorics and graph theory, esp. tree-like graphs (e.g. complexity of combinatorial optimization problems restricted to graphs
with bounded treewidth), fault-tolerant communication networks, generation of combinatorial structures in amortized constant time
Hari Pulapaka
(at the Dept. of Math and CS, Stetson Univ., DeLand, Florida, USA)
Research Interests: graph theory (esp. topological graph theory and random graph theory), number theory (esp. partitions of numbers and other problems in
combinatorial number theory), and the history of mathematics
Douglas F. Rall
(at the Dept. of Math, Furman Univ., Greenville, South Carolina, USA)
Research Interests: graph theory, esp. Vizing's Conjecture, graph products, domination numbers, independence numbers, irredundance numbers,
self-complementary graphs
Radhika Ramamurthi
(at the Dept. of Math, Univ. of California at San Diego, San Diego, California, USA)
Research Interests: combinatorics, graph theory and optimization, stochastic processes, esp. queueing systems
Alexey Rasskazov
(at the School of Information and Communication Technologies, Univ. of Paisley, Scotland)
Research Interests: data mining, machine learning, neural networks, anomalous behaviour and fraud detection, expert systems, decision making support;
hyperbolic geometry, knot theory, low dimensional topology, combinatorial group theory, Schottky groups
Craig W. Rasmussen
(at the Dept. of Math, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, California, USA)
Research Interests: graph theory, combinatorics, optimization
André Raspaud
(at the Lab for Research in CS (LaBRI), Bordeaux, France)
Research Interests: graph theory and its applications, esp. cycles and circuits
K. Brooks Reid
(at the Dept. of Math, California State Univ. San Marcos, USA)
Research Interests: combinatorics and graph theory, esp. tournament theory, centrality and anticentrality in graphs, and aspects of voting theory
Neil Robertson
(at the Ohio State Univ., Worthington, USA)
Research Interests: graph theory, esp. graph minors and consequences of the graph minor theory
Vojtech Rödl
(at the Dept. of Math and CS, Emory Univ., Atlanta, Georgia, USA)
Research Interests: graph theory and combinatorics
Juan Alberto Rodríguez Velázquez
(at the Dept. d'Enginyeria Informàtica i Matemàtiques, Univ. Rovira i Virgili, Tarragona, Spain)
Research Interests: algebraic graph theory, topology of complex networks, combinatorial optimization
Cecil C. Rousseau
(at the Dept. of Math Sciences, Univ. of Memphis, Tennessee, USA)
Research Interests: graph theory, probabilistic and asymptotic methods in combinatorics
Gordon Royle
(at the Dept. of CS, Univ. of Western Australia, Nedlands)
Research Interests: catalogues of interesting combinatorial objects
Remarkable Features: Combinatorial Catalogues,
a collection of informations on small instances of certain classes of combinatorial objects
Zdeněk Ryjáček
(at the Dept. of Math, Faculty of Applied Sciences, Univ. of West Bohemia, Plzen, Czech Republic)
Research Interests: graph theory, esp. Hamiltonian graph theory, matchings and factors, local properties of graphs, claw-free graphs
and their generalizations
Sabu Ryokawa
(an amateur mathematician living in Hiroshima, Japan)
Research Interests: anti-mainstream graph theory
Remarkable Features: Ryokawa states he may have proved Ulam's Conjecture. His short paper
got rejected by some society. I have not the time to read it, hence I can't say whether reading it is
worth it or a waste of time. If you want to risk it: You can download it from
Daniel P. Sanders
(at the Dept. of Math, Princeton Univ., New Jersey, USA)
Research Interests: graph theory, esp. graph colourings
Remarkable Features:
The Graph Theory White Pages
(part of, a list of graph theorists and tons of information about them (like name, URL,
email address, photo, snail mail address, publications... whenever possible! The aim is to give lists of publications as complete as possible.)
Edward R. Scheinermann
(at the Dept. of Math, Johns Hopkins Univ., Baltimore, Maryland, USA)
Research Interests: discrete mathematics, esp. graph theory, partially ordered sets, random graphs, and combinatorics
Richard Schelp
(at the Dept. of Math Sciences, Univ. of Memphis, Tennessee, USA)
Research Interests: graph theory, esp. Ramsey theory, extremal graph theory, Hamiltonian graph theory
Irene Sciriha Aquilina
(at the Dept of Math, Faculty of Science, Univ. of Malta, Malta)
Research Interests: graph theory, combinatorics and linear algebra, esp. graph spectra, the polynomial reconstruction conjecture and chemical
applications; further outerplanar graphs and group theory
Stephen E. Shauger
(at the Dept. of Math and Stats, Coastal Carolina Univ., Conway, South Carolina, USA)
Research Interests: graph theory and combinatorics
James B. Shearer
(at the IBM T. J. Watson Research Center, Westchester, New York, USA)
Research Interests: combinatorics, graph theory, and discrete mathematics, esp. Golomb rulers, binary codes, and Paley graphs
Remarkable Features: page containing some computation results
on combinatorial computing problems Shearer has worked on
John Sheehan
(at the Dept. of Math Sciences, Univ. of Aberdeen, UK)
Research Interests: graph theory, esp. finite Ramsey theory, Hamiltonian circuits and symmetry of graphs
Michael Somos
(at the Dept. of Computer and Information Science, Cleveland State Univ., Ohio, USA)
Research Interests: algebra, combinatorics and graph theory, esp. the Four Color Theorem, knot theory, group theory
Jerry Spinrad
(at the CS Dept., Vanderbilt Univ., Nashville, Tennessee, USA)
Research Interests: graph algorithms, esp. recognition algorithms for classes of graphs with interesting representations (for instance,
permutation graphs, comparability graphs, circular-arc graphs, circle graphs, trapezoid graphs, and two dimensional partial orders)
Remarkable Features: list of some open problems
Joel Spencer
(at the Dept. of CS, New York Univ., USA)
Research Interests: applications of probabilistic methods in discrete mathematices and theoretical computer science
Remarkable Features: Chapter 1 from the book The Probabilistic Method
by Noga Alon and Joel Spencer
Saul Stahl
(at the Dept. of Math, Univ. of Kansas, Lawrence, USA)
Research Interests: graph theory, esp. topological graph theory and graph colorings
Lorna Stewart
(at the Dept. of Computing Science, Univ. of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada)
Research Interests: graph theory and algorithm design, esp. cographs, series parallel graphs, chordal graphs, bipartite permutation graphs,
(co)comparability graphs, permutation graphs, polygon graphs
Michael Stiebitz
(at the Dept. of Math, Faculty of Math and Natural Sciences, TU Ilmenau, Germany)
Research Interests: combinatorics, cryptology, linear algebra, and graph theory, esp. graph coloring problems
Ian Stobert
(at the Dept. of Math, Vanderbilt Univ., Nashville, Tennessee, USA)
Research Interests: graph theory, esp. topological graph theory, relationships between graph theory and other branches of mathematics
(for instance, algebra, topology, geometry), crossing numbers of graphs
Remarkable Features: Graph Theory on the Web,
a big collection of links concerning graph theory and to homepages of graph theoretical people
Paul K. Stockmeyer
(at the Dept. of CS, College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, Virginia, USA)
Research Interests: graph theory and combinatorics, esp. reconstruction of graphical structures, towers of Hanoï, bandwidth reduction of
sparse matrices
Paul J. Tanenbaum
(at the U. S. Army Research Laboratory (ARL), Aberdeen Proving Ground (APG), Maryland, USA)
Research Interests: graph theory, partially ordered sets, computational geometry
Jan Arne Telle
(at the Dept. of CS, Univ. of Bergen, HIB, Bergen, Norway)
Research Interests: graph algorithms and computational complexity
John-Tagore Tevet
(at the Research Group of Structure Semiotics , Eurouniversity, Tallinn, Estonia)
Research Interests: constructive approach to graph theory: structural and semiotic problems in graph theory, structural ascertaining of cliques,
orbits and isomorphism of graphs, structural changes of graphs, constructive reconstructions of graphs, systems of constructive reconstructions etc.
(for better finding: distance in graphs (05C12), paths and cycles (05C38), connectivity (05C40), isomorphism and reconstructions (05C60),
structural graph representation (05C62), random graphs (05C80), graphs algorithms (05C85), cliques)
Murat Tezer
(at the Dept. of Math, Eastern Mediterranean Univ., G. Magosa, Turkey)
Research Interests: graph theory, esp. Hamiltonian cycle decompositions
Stefan Thienel
(at the Inst. of CS, Univ. of Köln, Germany)
Research Interests: combinatorial optimization, LP-based branch and bound algorithms, object oriented programming (C++), literate programming,
computational geometry
Remarkable Features: software package ABACUS,
a "framework for the implementation of branch-and-bound algorithms" (together with Michael Jünger and Gerhard Reinelt)
Robin Thomas
(at the School of Math, Georgia Inst. of Technology, Atlanta, USA)
Research Interests: graph theory (including infinite graphs, combinatorics, combinatorial optimization, algorithms
Special Features: The Four Color Theorem
(summary of a new proof given by R. Robertson, D.P. Sanders, P. Seymour,and R. Thomas)
A. G. Thomason
(at the Dept. of Pure Math & Math Statistics, Univ. of Cambridge, UK)
Research Interests: combinatorics
Bjarne Toft
(at the Dept. of Math & CS, Odense Univ., Denmark)
Research Interests: graph theory, esp. graph colourings
Marián Trenkler
(at the Inst. of Math, Univ. of P. J. Safarik, Kosice, Slovakia)
Research Interests: graph theory and geometry, esp. magic graphs, magic hypercubes, and convex polytopes
William T. Trotter
(at the School of Math, Georgia Inst. of Technology, Atlanta, USA)
Research Interests: combinatorics and graph theory, esp. extremal problems, on-line and approximation algorithms, Ramsey theory,
discrete geometry, and discrete optimization.
Daniel Ullmann
(at the Dept. of Math, George Washington Univ., Washington DC, USA)
Research Interests: graph theory and combinatorics, esp. chromatic theory of graphs, combinatorial game theory, theory of fractional graph invariants
Lucas van der Merwe
(at the Northeast State Technical Community College, Blountville, Tennessee, USA)
Research Interests: graph theory, esp. domination
Andrew Vince
(at the Dept. of Math, Univ. of Florida, Gainesville, USA)
Research Interests: combinatorics and graph theory, esp. polytopes and tilings, combinatorial optimization and network algorithms,
long range aperiodic order, and discrete geometry
Alex Vinokur
(at the Tadiran Scopus Digital Video Compression, Holon, Israel)
Research Interests: design and optimization of algorithms and data structures, complexity analysis of algorithms, artificial intelligence,
coding theory, system analysis and mathematical modelling, database design, software quality assurance, design methodology, computer and information
Margit Voigt
(at the Dept. of Math, Faculty of Math and Natural Sciences, TU Ilmenau, Germany)
Research Interests: graph theory and combinatorics, esp. graph coloring, list coloring of graphs, choosability, ranking, graph algorithms and their
complexity, probabilistic methods in combinatorics, hereditary properties
Vitaly Voloshin
(at the Inst. of Math and CS, Chisinau, Moldova)
Research Interests: mixed hypergraph coloring, graph and hypergraph theory,
combinatorics and discrete optimization, algorithms, complexity, data structure and
software for solving problems of discrete optimization, applications of graphs and hypergraphs in CS and other sciences.
Remarkable Features: If you want a glint on some of his ideas, look at his
Mixed Hypergraph Coloring Web Site.
Hansjoachim Walther
(at the Dept. of Math, Faculty of Math and Natural Sciences, TU Ilmenau, Germany)
Research Interests: graph theory, esp. walks on polyhedral graphs and complexity of combinatorial algorithms
Ping Wang
(at the Math and Computing Science Dept., St. Francis Xavier Univ., Antigonish, Nova Scotia, Canada)
Research Interests: graph theory, combinatorics, and algorithm analysis
Douglas B. West
(at the Math Dept., Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA)
Research Interests: discrete mathematics, esp. extremal and structural problems on graphs and partial orders
Arthur White
(at the Dept. of Math and Statistics, Western Michigan Univ., Kalamazoo, USA)
Research Interests: topological graph theory, esp. modelling various finite structures such as groups, block designs, and geometries
via graph embeddings in surfaces, probability spaces on graph embeddings in surfaces
Herbert S. Wilf
(at the Dept. of Math, Univ. of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA)
Research Interests: combinatorics, esp. eigenvectors, eigenvalues, eigenfunctions etc.
Todd G. Will
(at the Dept. of Math, Davidson College, North Carolina, USA)
Research Interests: graph theory, combinatorics and commutative algebra
Gerhard J. Woeginger
(at the Faculty of Math Sciences, Univ. of Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands)
Research Interests: combinatorial optimization, approximation algorithms, online algorithms, scheduling
David Wood
(at the School of CS, Carleton Univ., Ottawa, Canada)
Research Interests: packet routing, 3-dimensional graph drawings
Douglas R. Woodall
(at the Dept. of Math, Univ. of Nottingham, U.K.)
Research Interests: combinatorics and graph theory.
Nick Wormald
(at the Dept. of Math, Univ. of Melbourne, Parkville, Australia)
Research Interests: combinatorics, probabilistic combinatorics, graph theory, and combinatorial algorithms
Jun-Ming Xu
(at the Dept. of Math, Univ. of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, Anhui, P.R. China)
Research Interests: graph theory, combinatorial theory in interconnection networks, esp. connectivity and diameter of graphs
José Luís Andrés Yebra
(at the Dept. de Matemàtica Aplicada i Telemàtica, Univ. Politènica de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain)
Research Interests: large distance regular graphs
Xingxing Yu
(at the School of Math, Georgia Inst. of Technology, Atlanta, USA)
Research Interests: graph theory, algorithms, low dimensional topology, coding theory, and discrete optimization
Thomas Zaslavsky
(at the Massachusetts Inst. of Technology, USA)
Research Interests: combinatorics and graph theory
Remarkable Features:
Xiaoya Zha
(at the Math Dept., Vanderbilt Univ., Nashville, Tennessee, USA)
Research Interests: combinatorics and graph theory, esp. graph embeddings
Nick Zhao
(at the Dept. of Math, Tulane, Univ., New Orleans, Louisiana, USA)
Research Interests: combinatorics
Bing Zhou
(at the Dept. of Math, Trent Univ., Peterborough, Ontario, Canada)
Research Interests: graph theory and combinatorics, esp. graph coloring, extremal problems involving chromatic numbers and planar graphs,
hypergraphs, partially ordered sets
Günter M. Ziegler
(at the Dept. of Math, TU Berlin, Germany)
Research Interests: polytopes, discrete and algebraic geometry combinatorics and topological methods, linear and integer programming
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