The Graph Theorists' Home Page Guide

by Jörg Zuther

Index of this Page
Item  News
Item  What do you find on this page?
Item  Why do I maintain this page?
Item  You're a graph theorist and want to see your name here?
Item  What can YOU do to improve this page?
Item  Disclaimer
Item  The Pages

A| B| C| D| E| F| G| H| I| J| K| L| M| N| O| P| Q| R| S| T| U| V| W| X| Y| Z

Links on this page have last been checked: May 30th, 2002
Last update: May 26th, 2006

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What do you find on this page?

As the title suggests, this is a collection of links to home pages of graph theorists. Every link is accompanied by some information about the residence and the research interests of the according graph theorist taken from his/her home page. Furthermore, notes about or links to interesting or special information on the corresponding site are given. The research and maintenance of all this information costs a lot of time, causing a slow growth of this list.

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Why do I maintain this page?

07.03.2002:Since I started this page several years have passed by and the web has grown superexponentially. Nowadays, almost every graph theorist has his own homepage - with exception of some of the "dinosaurs" who still "refuse" to create a homepage ;-). Therefore, I think that the graph theoretical subdigraph of the web has a lot of vertices now. Further, the linkage has improved a lot. However, I'm still of the opinion that it would be good for a faster development of the field if much more content would be accessible via web.

I have changed my opinion about the difficulty of creating a homepage. If you are not familiar with programming at all and have even problems in using a text editor (which should't be the case - how could you type latex documents without some sort of text editor?), then it may cost you more than some hours to accomplish even a very simple HTML-document. You may curse the rigidity of the syntax (programmers may find it sloppy, though). In addition, you'll find only a few pages in the web that use plain HTML, other than in the early days of the web. The source code of many pages may not be very useful for you. If you still want to try, you can work yourself into HTML - for links see below.

Old Text: It seems to me that the graph theoretical subdigraph of the web has an unnecessarily small number of vertices and is very sparse. Further, a lot of vertices contain only few information. It is a pity that the web is apparently not very popular among many graph theorists.

Running a home page has a lot of advantages:

You have one of the following objections against an own home page?

I hope that this page will improve the communication among graph theorists and encourage many graph theorists to create their own home page and to start running pages containing sound information about special graph theoretical topics.

Some of the following collections of home pages runned on other sites just offer the raw link by the name of the graph theorist. On this page, you find some more information (as specified above) to give the surfer more orientation.

12.12.1999: I want to add that I'm no longer in graph theory. I quit university about 2 years ago and have not very much time left to do scientific studies. Nevertheless, I'll maintain this page in the future due to the fact that it has attracted some attention and seems to be useful for some people.

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You're a graph theorist and want to see your name here?

Just mail to Include the URL of your home page and it'll be accessible by your linked name soon. You can also suggest some comments you want to be displayed together with your link.

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What can YOU do to improve this page?
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I don't guarantee the correctness of the information on this page (despite I'll check the links periodically) and, of course, take no responsibility for the contents of the pages accessible via this list. See also my general Disclaimer page.

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first published: 11.12.1997 Critics, comments, remarks, questions? Mail to © 1997 - 2005 Jörg Zuther
last modified: 03.08.2006